

After the double-dip event on July 22, the team relocated to Shark Bay, Western Australia to prepare for the final event of the Australian mega-campaign on July 28. The weather forecast predicted clouds and rain for the Menoetius shadow path throughout Western Australia, but a chance of clear skies for the eastern portion of the Patroclus shadow path.

The Patroclus observers drove hours to the east to deploy northwest of Newman. Their efforts were rewarded when all but the southernmost site obtained good data on Patroclus. Meanwhile, most of the Menoetius observers weren’t able to set up their telescopes due to rain at their observing sites.


Brian Keeney presented the results of this campaign at the AAS Division of Planetary Science Meeting in October 2022.


Name Roles
Buie, Marc W.* Lead, Observer, Logistics, Predictions, Weather, Recruiting
Getrost, Kai* Observer, Weather
Givot, Rima* Observer
Heller, John W. Observer, Logistics, Recruiting
Keeney, Brian A.* Observer, Logistics, Recruiting
Langersek, Renato* Observer
Nikitin, Vadim* Observer, Hardware
Porter, Simon* Predictions
Ruhland, Trina* Observer
Salmon, Julien J* Observer
Shottle, Peter Observer
Skrutskie, M. F.* Observer
Verbiscer, Anne J.* Observer, Logistics
* - Publication co-authors

Campaign Photos

Updated: Jul 29, 2023

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