
Leucus Occultation 2026-04-25 (G* = 13.7)

The interactive map below shows our current prediction for the occultation by (11351) Leucus on 2026 April 25 UT. The prediction is based on a Gaia eDR3 position for the star, corrected for parallax and proper motion, and the v20230508162457 orbit estimate for Leucus, which is derived from leucus_20220214a.bsp. This ephemeris has a 1-sigma crosstrack uncertainty of 10.0 km and a 1-sigma downtrack uncertainty of 0.1 sec for this event (these are placeholder values).

The geocentric mid-time of the event is 02:05:46.7 UT. The J2000 star position is RA 12:18:37.2 (12.3103338), Dec -14:40:18 (-14.671685), and its magnitude is 13.97. Leucus is moving at 15.3 km/s with respect to the star and its diameter is estimated to be 41.0 km, so central chords are expected to last 2.7 seconds.

Of-date coordinates for the target star on event night are RA 12:19:58.9 (12.3330278), Dec -14:49:04 (-14.817778).

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

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